Napisz email do kolerzanki w którym wytłumaczysz jej ,że zostawiłaś u niej ulubione spodnie. opiszesz te spodnie i poprosisz ,żeby wysłała ci te spodnie (min 50 słów ).
Yesterday I left my trousers in your house. It's my favourite pair. It has a white rabbit on right leg and beautiful rainbow across the left leg. I really like this trousers so please, can you give me that back? I will be so happy, if you gave me this pair in this week. Love <your name>
Hey <name>!
Yesterday I left my trousers in your house. It's my favourite pair. It has a white rabbit on right leg and beautiful rainbow across the left leg. I really like this trousers so please, can you give me that back? I will be so happy, if you gave me this pair in this week.
<your name>