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Jak ktoś ma to "Shy High 3, temat: I"d rather be a sports reporter"
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heydearClaudiawroteto youto tellyou about mydream jobasdoctorsrememberfromchildhood,I toldyou how muchI want tobea doctor.?I hope thatmydreamwill come true, however,alsoarethe pros and consof this greatworkis theadvantageofhelpingsavethelifeLudziaand I know thatsomeoneis alivethanks tomebecause I cansave his lifeandthatthedefect is, unfortunately,onemistakeatthe end of theoperational andDostcareerbut Ialsothinka goodthoughttogivethe trickand youcross your fingers;)greetings....
hy may names (swoje imie).
i interested in doctor. i like doctor bicouse (dlatego że ).
i in the future wants to be a doctor. Bicouse he/she doing injections and bad writing.
i like doctor bicouse he/she is is wise.
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