Napisz E-maila na podany temat: W czasie wycieczki szkolnej do Londynu twój autobus uległ wypadkowi (opisz jak to się stało) *twój przyjaciel złamał rękę i nogę *i bolała go głowa (opisz kto udzielił pomocy) *napisz jak ten wypadek wpłynoł na dalsze zwiedzanie Londynu i twoją wycieczke OCZYWIŚCIE PO ANGIELSKU BEZ TLUMACZA. WSZYSTKIE KROPKI MAJA BYC ZAWARTE W JEDNYM E-mailu. DAM NAJ. Proszę szybko
Hi John! I have to tell you somethink. We are going to London with my class. When we are near that place, our bus have aaccident!. My friend broke his leg and have a headache. Our teacher helped him and she went with him to the hospital. Unfortunately, after the accident we come back to school becouse everybody was scared and shocked. We do not visited London this day.
I have to tell you somethink.
We are going to London with my class. When we are near that place, our bus have aaccident!.
My friend broke his leg and have a headache.
Our teacher helped him and she went with him to the hospital.
Unfortunately, after the accident we come back to school becouse everybody was scared and shocked. We do not visited London this day.
Now my friend was good.
See you soon.