Napisz e-mail po angielsku W czasie zajęć sportowych uległeś kontuzji. W e-mailu do koleżanki z Walii napisz: - jakie były okoliczności tego zdarzenia; - w jaki sposób udzielono ci pomocy; - jak ten wypadek wpłynął na twoje plany BARDZO PROSZĘ O SZYBKĄ POMOC PONIEWAŻ TO DOPIERO MOJE PIERWSZE PYTANIE
Hi John In last Monday during sports I broke my leg. I ran to my friend and in this moment I fell. My friend rang to hospital. They came for me in five minutes. I'm really happy that I have best friend who worries about me. In hospital doctor said: '' You must stay at home for two weeks.'' It was not good information for me, because I don't like sit at home. I had to go to cinema with my family, but I couldn't.
In last Monday during sports I broke my leg. I ran to my friend and in this moment I fell. My friend rang to hospital. They came for me in five minutes. I'm really happy that I have best friend who worries about me. In hospital doctor said: '' You must stay at home for two weeks.'' It was not good information for me, because I don't like sit at home. I had to go to cinema with my family, but I couldn't.