Napisz e-mail (min 7 zdań ) na temat tego co sądzisz o USA ,Wielkiej brytani i Polsce . proszę was to na dziś mi jest potrzebne za pierwszą kompletną odp dam naj POMOCY
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The USA isone bigstate ofAmerica.In theUSAthere are a lotof tall buildings,unfortunately,is not verygreen.From the USAcomesI thinkmostactors,singers, models,famousthroughout the world.Characteristicisthe subject ofthe USA Statue of Liberty, which isin New York.In the USA,there isan awful lot ofgas,I would not wantto live there,is of coursea lot ofplaces, likehere in Poland,where there ispeace and quiet, but I preferto livesuch asthe beach,the seathanin the city center.
The capital ofUK isLondon.I loveLondon!This place, this country's mostreminds me ofthe English language,Englishculture.London'sfamousBig Ben,unfortunately,in this country isgenerallyuglyweather.UKadvantageis thatit is connectedwith Ireland.
a z Polską to może już sama wymyślisz :))