napisz e-mail do koleżnki . opisz swój pokój i to , co teraz robisz czyli: gdzie siedzisz, co znajduje sie w twoim pokoju, co widzisz z okna, co inni czlonkowie twojej rodziny teraz robia...oczywiscie po angielsku i informacje moga by wymyslone
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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How are you? I'm sitting in my room in front of computer and I'm listening to music. I just play my favourite song, "[tu mozna sb wpisac swój ulubiony song,;)]". You know that song? It's great. I love it .; ) My sister is watching TV in his room. There is a fairytale. You know her, she only to be watched, all of it, ; ] Mum is cooking the dinner in the kitchen. I'm curious what will come out. Hehe. Mum isn't the best cooking. Dad isn't at home. He is at work. Outside it's cold and raining. By the weather, I geel tired. Oh.! I got an sms from my friend. She want us to be chosen on Friday to the pool, I hope that you will go with us. ; ) What about you? What are you doing? Write and tell me what's happening.
Mam nadzieję że pomogłam, ; ))