Napisz e-mail do kolegi w którym: napiszesz mu jak w Polsce obchodzi się święta Bożego Narodzenia,Napisz co dostałeś pod choinkę ,spytasz jak wyglądały święta twojego kolegi . E-mail ma zajmować od 50 do 100 słów pod choinkę to w moim przypadku będzie dron Proszę o jak najszybszą odpowiedź potrzebuje na jutro
Hi Jacek ! How are you ? I want to tell you that it is very good we celebrated the holidays Traditionally, the fish ate and waited to bring gifts claus Dron got under the Christmas tree ! We are very happy with it And at you what they looked like the holidays all tell me tomorrow Now I have to go now because I have a lot of lessons PA
Hi Jacek ! How are you ? I want to tell you that it is very good we celebrated the holidays Traditionally, the fish ate and waited to bring gifts claus Dron got under the Christmas tree ! We are very happy with it And at you what they looked like the holidays all tell me tomorrow Now I have to go now because I have a lot of lessons PA