Napisz e-mail do kolegi i spytaj sie co u niego, opowiedz co u ciebie i zapros go na wspolny wypad do kina w weekend na nowy film : Avatar" a potem do kawiarni. pozdrów i popros o odpowiedź.
Hello, How are you? When can you come to my city? I hear a lot good opinions about film "Avatar". I'll go for it to the cinema. Maby you'll go with me when you come to me? Please answer me quikly.
how are you? all right? i am sorry that I haven't for soo long but i was very busy. I have new work in big company. now I have free week and i invite to you to cinema on film avatar. i give the best regards and i look forward to hear from you.
czesc co u ciebie ? wszytsko dobrze? przepraszam ze nie pisalem tak dlugo ale bylem bardzo zajety. mam nowa prace w duzej firmie. teraz mam wolny weekend i zapraszam cie do kina na film avatar. przekazuje ogromne pozdrowienia i czekam na twoja odpowiedz.
How are you? When can you come to my city? I hear a lot good opinions about film "Avatar". I'll go for it to the cinema. Maby you'll go with me when you come to me? Please answer me quikly.
how are you? all right? i am sorry that I haven't for soo long but i was very busy. I have new work in big company. now I have free week and i invite to you to cinema on film avatar.
i give the best regards and i look forward to hear from you.
czesc co u ciebie ? wszytsko dobrze? przepraszam ze nie pisalem tak dlugo ale bylem bardzo zajety. mam nowa prace w duzej firmie. teraz mam wolny weekend i zapraszam cie do kina na film avatar. przekazuje ogromne pozdrowienia i czekam na twoja odpowiedz.