Napisz e mail do kolegi albo koleżanki w którym opiszesz jakiś wypadek którego byłeś świadkiem na lekcji pisaliśmy coś takiego:I had on accident yesterday while I was playing football the (tu było jakieś słowo ale nie wiem jakie) ran up to me on helped me. Then he rang tor on ambulance. In the hospital the doctor said that I sprained my ankle. I was dissppointed. I can't play on tomorow's final football you must be careful on the pick. Trzeba napisaćw jakich okolicznościach wydarzył się ten wypadek, jakie miał skutki i jaka była twoja reakcja.
Proszę o pomoc. pliss ;) ;****
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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It was chilly evening when i was walking through the parc. It was dark and the streed lamps hardly lit the footpath. I had decided to come back home when i was a man walking towards young girl with a knife in his hand. He grabbed her bag flourish his knife. The girl was very scared. i took my mobile phone and call the police thay become very quickly. After twenty minutes they manage to catch the robber.