Napisz e-mail do koleżanki z Londynu, w którym ma być informacja, ze wróciłaś ze szkolnej wycieczki. opisz coś co ci się najbardziej podobało i zapytaj koleżankę o jej szkolną wycieczkę. podpisz się jako XYZ
Hello Lisa! I just came back from school trip. We were visiting amazing Castle in Wałbrzych. It's called Książ Castle. It's a very beautiful place full of amazing royal things. I think you'll like it too. I felt like a princess when I was walking through the rooms. How was your school trip? I hope that as good as mine! With love, xyz.
I just came back from school trip. We were visiting amazing Castle in Wałbrzych. It's called Książ Castle. It's a very beautiful place full of amazing royal things. I think you'll like it too. I felt like a princess when I was walking through the rooms. How was your school trip? I hope that as good as mine!
With love, xyz.