Napisz e-mail do koleżanki w którym opisujesz wydarzenie sportowe w którym brałeś udział. Informujesz ją o wypadku, który miał miejsce w czasie tego wydarzenie. Prosisz koleżankę aby cię odwiedziła. Tym wydarzeniem niech będą wyścigi rowerowe a podczas nich upadłem i złamałem nogę. Proszę o wypowiedź powyżej 50 słów i nie z tłumacza google.
Dear Joanna, Last week there was a bike race in my town that I decided to compete in. It was all good and fun until I fell down. Unfortunately my leg is broken and doctors tell me I will need to stay in the hospital for another week so they can see if the leg is healing properly. Could you possibly visit me soon? I feel so lonely here and together we could talk and have some fun! Yours, XYZ
Last week there was a bike race in my town that I decided to compete in. It was all good and fun until I fell down. Unfortunately my leg is broken and doctors tell me I will need to stay in the hospital for another week so they can see if the leg is healing properly. Could you possibly visit me soon? I feel so lonely here and together we could talk and have some fun!
Sam pisalem,80 slow