Napisz do podanych pytan odpowiedzi to jest zwiazne z wakacjami daje naj prosze na jutro!!!!!! 1Where were you lat holiday? 2. WHat did you do last holiday? 3 hpw was your holidays? 4 Who were you with durling your last holidays? 5 What was the weather like last holiday? 6 How long your holidays? 7 What did you take with you on holidays? 8 Did you meet any interesting? 9 Did you learn anything near holiday? 10 . Did you buy any souvemins? SORKI ZA BLEDY JESLI COS ZLE NAPISALEM CZY COS DAJE NAJWIECEJ ILE SIE DA I POLECAM UZTKOWNIKA PROSZEEEEEEEE
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. I was in Spain.
2. I was read books and played on the computer
3. They were warm and interesting.
4. I was Superman and Batman
5. The weather was the sun shone and sometimes it rained.
6. My holidays lasted two months
7. On the holidays you must have a cream and sunglasses! yes!
9. No i didn't
10.I didn't buy any souvenirs