Napisz do koleżanki z USA e-mail w którym opiszesz niedawne uroczyste wydarzenie które miało miejsce w twojej szkole Napisz - co to była za uroczystoćś i kiedy miała miejsce - jak przebiegały przygotowania do niej - jakie wrażenia towarzyszyły ci podczas tego wydarzenia Podpisz się XYZ rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z 3 podpunktów. Długość tekstu powinna wynosić 50 do 150 słów
Dear Lila, Many thanks for your last letter. I want to write to you about beginng of a school year in my school. It was big event bacuse as you know it was firts time i have been in this school. I was preparing to this event for a long time. I bought new books,and all of things which were needed . I had to learn song of this school. In addition i had to prepare my own show. When this day came i was very afraid of it was very stressful to me. Fortunately everything was alright.Everyone loved my show and i was so happy. I was very pleased. And what abou your beginnig of a school year?Wrtie to me about it. I'd better close now. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Kisses, XYZ
Many thanks for your last letter. I want to write to you about beginng of a school year in my school. It was big event bacuse as you know it was firts time i have been in this school. I was preparing to this event for a long time. I bought new books,and all of things which were needed . I had to learn song of this school. In addition i had to prepare my own show. When this day came i was very afraid of it was very stressful to me. Fortunately everything was alright.Everyone loved my show and i was so happy. I was very pleased. And what abou your beginnig of a school year?Wrtie to me about it. I'd better close now. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.