Napisz dialog. Wynajmujesz mieszkanie i jesteś z niego nie zadowolona. W rozmowie z właścicielem mieszkania podaj:
-swoje uwagi
-wyraż niezadowolenie z wysokiej ceny
-w przypadku odmowy obniżenia czynszu poinformuj właściciela o rezygnacji wynajmu.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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-Hey, Mr Saltzman! I'm sorry but the rent for my apartment is too high!
-Unfortunatelly, I can't make the cut in price. The rent is already low!
-It can't be! Mr Saltzman, are you serious? The shower is broken, I have only the cold water. I have to shower in the bowl! I have some rights!
-I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do. If you can't accept this, you can rent apartmant somewhere else.
-I will. I leave in 7 days and in the name of the right I won't pay for the last two weeks unless you want to see with my lawyer.