Napisz dialog pomiedzy chlopakiem a dziewczyna i zaproponuj wyjscie np do kina. Osoba 2 sie nie zgadza i proponuje Ci wyjscie do baru np, Ty sie nie zgadzasz i proponujesz wyjscie na impreze, Osoba sie zgadza i cieszy sie z Twojego pomysłu. Pomocyy. błagamm
A; Hi Tina!
B: Hi, Peter! What's up? I haven't seen you for ages.
A: Yes, either haven't I.
B; Are you doing anyting in the afternoon?
A; Nothing special.
B: How about going to the cinema. There's a new romantic comedy on at the Odeon.
A: I don't feel like going to the cinema. let's go to the pub instead.
B: I don't think it's a good idea. But guess what, My friend is having his birthday party tomorrow.
Would you like to go there with me?
A I'm not sure. Do you really want
B Yes, of course. I would be very glad.
A So fine. Let's go. Thank you