Napisz dialog o tresci:
Twoj narzeczony z Nowego YOrku pragnie po słubie zamieszkac z toba na wsi. Ty uwielbiasz wielkie miasta.
- nie zgodz sie na propozycje narzeczonego i opisz swoje upodobania
- odrzuc jego argumenty i podaj kontrardumenty
-zaproponuj zamieszkanie na przedmiesciu
Prosze pomozcie tylko uwzglednijcie wszystko
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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A - narzeczony
B - Ty
A: Sweetheart, I've just found a lovely cabin in the country! I say - let's move in !
B: But honey, i love New York! Country life is boring and quiet, I've spent my entire life in a city, I simply can't live in such a calm place!
A: Living in a coutry is peaceful, a perfect place to raise kids! What do you like about cities exactly?
B: What I love? Rather: what don't I love! I love the crowd on the streets, honking, immense number of noises on the street! In a city I feel truly alive! And I have a good job here.
A: I really don't see a solution for this problem...
B: Hey, I have an idea! Let's live in the suburbs! it's still quiet, yet not so far from the city!
A:Awesome idea! I'll start searching for a place right away.