Napisz cztery krotkie dialogi ba temat ponizszych filmow.
step Up2 : Lively street dance film
The Streets 7;30
What Happens Comendy with Ashton Kurcher and Cameron Diaz.
in Vegas 6;00 , 8;15
Indiana Jones Harrison Ford returns in this fantastic
and the action-adventure film
Kingdom of the 7;00
Crystal Skull
The Chronciles The second film in the Narnia series-wonderful fantasty
of Narnia: 8;00
Prince Caspian
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Kylie: That film was very great!
Adam: Yes, I very like Dancing
Kylie: I too. Step up 2 started very early.
Adam: Yes but I am happy because I watched this film!
2. Sara: Would you like to go to the cinema?
Ada: Yes! I would like to watch "What happens in Vegas"
Sara: OK. Ashton Kurcher is starring in this film!
Ada: Really? He is beautiful!
Sara: I want to see him!
3. Philip: Hi David! Would you like to watch Indiana Jones in the cinema at 7:00 ?
David: OK. I can buy popcorn... What happen in this part?
Philip: Harrison Ford returns!
David: Oh yes i must watch it!
Philip: OK. There are the bilets.
4. Dominica: The Chronicles of Narnia : Prince Caspian was awesome!
Simon: We watched the secons part of the Chronicles of Narnia
Dominica: What time we started watching film? At 8 o'clock?
Simon: Yes! I must go! Bye!
Dominica: Bye!