September 2018 1 12 Report

Napisz co to jest: koncert, opera, oratorium (w 16 wieku).

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Przetłumacz mi to prosze: Step 1. Cut each of the 4 colored threads into 64" lengths. Step 2: Hold the 4 threads together and fold them in half so you now have 8 threads each 32" long. Step 3: Tie a knot about 1/2" from the top, forming a loop and attach the threads to the clipboard. Step 4: To make following the directions easier give each color a number from one to four. If you are using our colors this would be orange (#1), white (#2), brown (#3), blue (#4). Separate the strands and set them up in this order - from left to right toward center ( #1, #2, #3, #4 ) and from right to left toward center (#4, #3, #2, #1 ). Step 5: Divide the strands into 2 bundles of 4 strands each (the four left should have one of each color, and the four right should have one of each color) Step 6: Using the left bundle of four threads, tie a Basic Single Knot around the right bundle. Hold the right bundle straight while you pull the knot tight. Note: the position of the bundles will not change, the left bundle will still be on the left. Step 7: Repeat step 6 using the right bundle of four threads and tie a Basic Single Knot around the left bundle. Hold the left bundle straight while you pull the knot tight. Note: the position of the bundles will not change, the right bundle will still be on the right. Step 8: Repeat step 6 again with the left bundle. Step 9: Separate the 4 threads of the left bundle into 2 bundles of 2 threads each. (#1 and #2 together and #3 and #4 together) Step 10: Separate the 4 threads of the right bundle into the same groups of color as in step 9. Step 11: Starting with the 2 bundles of 2 threads on the left, alternate 1 Basic Single Knot going left to right and one knot going right to left for a total of 5 knots. Repeat this with the 2 bundles of 2 threads each on the right side as well. Step 12: Now separate each of these 4 threads on each side into groups of two. You will have 4 separate thread groups. Step 13: Starting on the right using only the first group of 2 single threads, alternate 1 Basic Single Knot going left to right and 1 knot going right to left for a total of 10 knots. Repeat this with each of the remaining 3 groups of 2 threads each. Step 14: After step 13 you will have 4 bundles with 2 threads each knotted together. Step 15: Make a double knot tying 2 sets of 2 threads each on left side together. Step 16: Repeat step 15 with the 2 sets of threads on the right. Now repeat steps 9, 10 and 11 again . Step 17: Make a double knot tying the bundle of 4 threads on the left with the 4 threads on the right You have now completed one full pattern. Repeat steps 9 to 17 two to three times depending on how long you want your bracelet (or necklace to be). To make it visually more interesting, combine colors in different combinations for each successive pattern. (For example: if you knotted #1 and 2 together and #3 and #4 together the first time, try knotting #1 and #3 together and #2 and #4 together for the second pattern, and #1 and #4 together and #2 and #3 together the next time). Step 18: After you do step 17 for the last time, repeat steps 6 and 7. Step 19: Wrap the bracelet around your wrist. Divide the threads at the opposite end from the loop in half so you have 2 sets of 4 threads. Put one set through the loop and tie it to the other set in a double knot, so the loop is secured in the middle of the knot. Cut off any excess thread making sure you can still slip it on and off your wrist. Step 20: Congratulate yourself! You now have your own handmade friendship bracelet and the knots you've learned can be combined in endless ways to make your own design or perhaps one for a special friend.

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