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Na wakacjach byłam na Węgrzech. Zwiedziliśmy dużo zabytków. Pływaliśmy w basenach. Było ich aż 20!. W każdym z nich było dużo ludzi. Byłam z rodziną na śląsku. Zwiedziliśmy dużo zamków,ale jeden bardzo mi się podobał. Jest to zamek Książ w Wałbrzychu w Książańskim Parku Narodowym. Jest to jeden z największych zamków w Polsce. Byłam też w kopalni złota,uranu i węgla kamiennego w Nowej Rudzie. Było świetnie.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I spent my holidays in Hungary. We sew many monuments and swam in swimming pools. There were 20 of them! And each was full of people. I also was in Silesia with my family. We sew a lot of castles but one attracted my attention the most. It was Książ Castle in Włbrzych in Książański National Park. It is one of the biggest castles in Poland. I also visited gold, uranium and coal mine in Nowa Ruda. It was great.
I spent my vacation in Hungary. We visited lots of historic places and saw numerous historic buildings and monuments. We also swam in swimming pools. There were as much as 20 of them! There were lots of people in every one of the swimming pools. Also, I visited Silesia with my family. We toured many castles but I liked one of them especiallym. This was the Książ castle in Wałbrzych in the Książański National Park. It is one of the biggest castles in Poland. I also visited a gold mine, a uranium mine and a coal mine in Nowa Ruda. I had a great time.