Shrek is a self-proclaimed terrifying ogre, from the computer-animated Shrek films. He is seen as large, predominantly green and physically intimidating. Shrek is also rather antisocial, initially preferring to live on his own in a little shack in the swamp. He is more of a peace-loving ogre than a hostile one, seeing as he prefers solitude in his home. Shrek also has a flatulence problem, but sometimes uses it to his advantage. He has also compared ogres like himself to onions, and admits to cooking a “mean weed rat stew.” He is usually dressed in an alligator skin vest and extra-large leather shoes.
Shrek became more of a recluse because people judged him and didn’t respect his privacy. He put up signs around his home to keep people away. However, his green and murky swamp was invaded by the other fairytale creatures who have been evicted from their own homes. Reclaiming his territory was the primary reason why he set out to rescue the Princess Fiona, who he ended up falling in love with. Along the way, Shrek formed a friendship with the ever-talkative Donkey, as well as the charming but dangerous Puss in Boots in Shrek 2. In the first film, Shrek travels to Duloc to join a tournament to rescue Fiona. After an aggressive encounter with the antagonist Lord Farquaad, Shrek and Fiona gt married.
W bagnie żył olbrzym Shrek, którego cenna samotność została nagle zakłócona inwazją dokuczliwych postaci z bajek. Ślepe myszki buszują w zapasach olbrzyma, zły wilk sypia w jego łóżku, a trzy świnki buszują po jego samotni. Wszystkie te postaci zostały wypędzone ze swego królestwa przez złego Lorda Farquaada. Zdecydowany ocalić ich dom - nie mówiąc już o swoim - Shrek porozumiewa się z Farquaadem i wyrusza na ratunek pięknej księżniczce Fionie, która ma zostać żoną Lorda. W misji towarzyszy mu przemądrzały Osioł, który zrobi dla Shreka wszystko z wyjątkiem... przestania mielenia ozorem. Ocalenie księżniczki przed ziejącym ogniem smokiem okazuje się być najmniejszym problemem przyjaciół, kiedy to zostaje odkryty głęboko skrywany, mroczny sekret Fiony.
po polaku.
Theswampliveda giantShrekwhose precioussolitudeis suddenly shattered byan invasion ofannoyingfairy-tale characters.Blind micein thestocks ofbig, badwolfinhisbed, threelittle homeless pigs afterhisalone.Allthesecharactershave beenbanished fromtheir kingdomby the evilLordFarquaad. Determined tosave theirhome-notto mention his own-Shrekdeal with Farquaadandsets outtorescuethe beautiful Princess Fionato beFarquaad's bride.Themissionis accompanied by awisecrackingDonkey,whowill do anything forShrekeverythingexcept...stopgrindingtongue.Rescuethe Princessfroma fire-breathingdragonturns outto belittleconcernof friends, whenitisdiscoveredhiddendeep,darksecretFiona.
Shrek is a self-proclaimed terrifying ogre, from the computer-animated Shrek films. He is seen as large, predominantly green and physically intimidating. Shrek is also rather antisocial, initially preferring to live on his own in a little shack in the swamp. He is more of a peace-loving ogre than a hostile one, seeing as he prefers solitude in his home. Shrek also has a flatulence problem, but sometimes uses it to his advantage. He has also compared ogres like himself to onions, and admits to cooking a “mean weed rat stew.” He is usually dressed in an alligator skin vest and extra-large leather shoes.
Shrek became more of a recluse because people judged him and didn’t respect his privacy. He put up signs around his home to keep people away. However, his green and murky swamp was invaded by the other fairytale creatures who have been evicted from their own homes. Reclaiming his territory was the primary reason why he set out to rescue the Princess Fiona, who he ended up falling in love with. Along the way, Shrek formed a friendship with the ever-talkative Donkey, as well as the charming but dangerous Puss in Boots in Shrek 2. In the first film, Shrek travels to Duloc to join a tournament to rescue Fiona. After an aggressive encounter with the antagonist Lord Farquaad, Shrek and Fiona gt married.
W bagnie żył olbrzym Shrek, którego cenna samotność została nagle zakłócona inwazją dokuczliwych postaci z bajek. Ślepe myszki buszują w zapasach olbrzyma, zły wilk sypia w jego łóżku, a trzy świnki buszują
po jego samotni. Wszystkie te postaci zostały wypędzone ze swego królestwa przez złego Lorda Farquaada.
Zdecydowany ocalić ich dom - nie mówiąc już o swoim - Shrek porozumiewa się z Farquaadem i wyrusza na ratunek pięknej księżniczce Fionie, która ma zostać żoną Lorda. W misji towarzyszy mu przemądrzały Osioł, który zrobi dla Shreka wszystko z wyjątkiem... przestania mielenia ozorem. Ocalenie księżniczki przed ziejącym ogniem smokiem okazuje się być najmniejszym problemem przyjaciół, kiedy to zostaje odkryty głęboko skrywany, mroczny sekret Fiony.
po polaku.
Theswampliveda giantShrekwhose precioussolitudeis suddenly shattered byan invasion ofannoyingfairy-tale characters.Blind micein thestocks ofbig, badwolfinhisbed, threelittle homeless pigs
SłuchajZapis fonetyczny po angoluafterhisalone.Allthesecharactershave beenbanished fromtheir kingdomby the evilLordFarquaad.
Determined tosave theirhome-notto mention his own-Shrekdeal with Farquaadandsets outtorescuethe beautiful Princess Fionato beFarquaad's bride.Themissionis accompanied by awisecrackingDonkey,whowill do anything forShrekeverythingexcept...stopgrindingtongue.Rescuethe Princessfroma fire-breathingdragonturns outto belittleconcernof friends, whenitisdiscoveredhiddendeep,darksecretFiona.