Fryderyk Chopin was Born in Żelazowej Woli. he came on world 22 February, but family passed date 1 March always. When he left on holidays, he usually had to write the letters in form of newspaper.From 1818 year Fryderyk chopin gave a concert publicly.Always first, what he made after getting up from bed then he had sat down to piano. Young composer was with large feeling of humour.His first love was Konstancja Gładkowska.Chopin walked on Adama's lectures Mickiewicza so he taught oneself very good and he finished secondary school with distinction.
Biografia Fryderyka Chopina:
Fryderyk Chopin was Born in Żelazowej Woli. he came on world 22 February, but family passed date 1 March always. When he left on holidays, he usually had to write the letters in form of newspaper.From 1818 year Fryderyk chopin gave a concert publicly.Always first, what he made after getting up from bed then he had sat down to piano. Young composer was with large feeling of humour.His first love was Konstancja Gładkowska.Chopin walked on Adama's lectures Mickiewicza so he taught oneself very good and he finished secondary school with distinction.
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Nie ma a co ;D