AdamMickiewicz-lived from1798 to 1855.One of the greatestPolish poets, considered oneof the Polishpoets.He was born inZaolzienearNovogrudokin Lithuania.His parents wereNicholasMickiewicz, a lawyer, andBarbaraMajewski.Duringhis youthhe met withvariousliteraryforms, such aslegends, myths,folklore,which resultedin hislater life.An importanteventin his lifewas the death ofhis fatherin 1812, by which hehastenedto hisgrowingemotional.Young Adamwent to schoolin NowogrodekPrimary School, aftergraduating,he went to theUniversity of Vilnius, where he studiedphilology,history and literature.It is here thatthe universityformedthe second stagein the lifeof the poet.The beginnings of firstsongs such as:: "Odeto Youth", "SongFilaretów" and thesecondpart of "Forefathers".It was atthis timehe metMickiewiczWereszczakówneMaryla, whichgreatlyinfluenced thelove ofhistwórczość.W1823 yearsPhilomathorganizationwith which he wasa poetbecame exposedby the Russian army.Eventuallyall the memberswere deportedto Siberia.Thentherebegana new periodin thelife of the Polishpoet, createdsongs such as: Crimean Sonnetsand KonradWallenrod.A poethe traveledto Russia, visited theCrimea,Moscow, St. PetersburgandOdessa,and eventuallysettled inDresden, where athirdof theForefathers.Aftersettlingwelltraveled.He visitedGermany, Italy andSwitzerland.At theend of his lifehe settled inParis.There he marriedand had children.Shortlybefore his deathhe wrotehis last work, "Pan Tadeusz".He diedin 1855in Constantinople.
AdamMickiewicz-lived from1798 to 1855.One of the greatestPolish poets, considered oneof the Polishpoets.He was born inZaolzienearNovogrudokin Lithuania.His parents wereNicholasMickiewicz, a lawyer, andBarbaraMajewski.Duringhis youthhe met withvariousliteraryforms, such aslegends, myths,folklore,which resultedin hislater life.An importanteventin his lifewas the death ofhis fatherin 1812, by which hehastenedto hisgrowingemotional.Young Adamwent to schoolin NowogrodekPrimary School, aftergraduating,he went to theUniversity of Vilnius, where he studiedphilology,history and literature.It is here thatthe universityformedthe second stagein the lifeof the poet.The beginnings of firstsongs such as:: "Odeto Youth", "SongFilaretów" and thesecondpart of "Forefathers".It was atthis timehe metMickiewiczWereszczakówneMaryla, whichgreatlyinfluenced thelove ofhistwórczość.W1823 yearsPhilomathorganizationwith which he wasa poetbecame exposedby the Russian army.Eventuallyall the memberswere deportedto Siberia.Thentherebegana new periodin thelife of the Polishpoet, createdsongs such as:
Crimean Sonnetsand KonradWallenrod.A poethe traveledto Russia, visited theCrimea,Moscow, St. PetersburgandOdessa,and eventuallysettled inDresden, where athirdof theForefathers.Aftersettlingwelltraveled.He visitedGermany, Italy andSwitzerland.At theend of his lifehe settled inParis.There he marriedand had children.Shortlybefore his deathhe wrotehis last work, "Pan Tadeusz".He diedin 1855in Constantinople.
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