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Napisz baśń na ok. 2 str. wykorzystując wyrazy takie jak : bój, córka, dwór, góra, król, królewna, krótki, pokój, próba, równy

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Przetłumaczyłam tekst o bohaterze na tłumaczu, tylko nie wiem czy nie wyszedł on jakoś dziwnie. Sprawdzicie mi błędy i je wypiszecie? Daje naj. :) :) . My hero is Angelina Jolie. It is a popular celebrity, a star known throughout the world, and yet it is not like other stars. Your money is earmarked for charity, not one person who saved lives. It works in countries such as Pakistan, Thailand, Ecuador, Kenya, Sudan and many others. The humanitarian Angelina Jolie was involved after their stay in Cambodia in 2001, where he was shooting pictures for the film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. The poverty that she saw prompted her to ask the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for information on places where there are such problems. Over the next month actress visited refugee camps around the world to learn about the situation and the conditions that prevail in them. In February 2001, Jolie embarked on his first, eighteenth day mission to Sierra Leone and Tanzania, where she was surprised after what I saw. Then I came back two weeks in Cambodia, met with refugees in Pakistan from Afghanistan, for which sent a million dollars. She wanted to be able to cover the cost of the same expedition, and to be allowed to share the difficult working and living conditions together with other members of the mission. Being impressed by the commitment of humanitarian actors, 27 August 2001, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Jolie named the agency headquarters in Geneva, Goodwill Ambassador of that institution. At a press conference Jolie explained why the decision to join an organization for Refugees: "We are close to information and ignore the fact that millions of people suffer. I just want to help. I can not believe I just feel it. It seems to me that we all want justice and equality, a chance that life made sense. We all want to believe that when we will be in a bad situation someone would help us. " Angielina Jolie is my hero, because it shows that being a hero, you can also do something good. It is not selfish superstar you are only interested in money, has saved many lives.

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