Napisz ankiete zgodnie z instrukcja. Przebywasz w obozie jezykowym w Anglii. Musisz przygotowac ankiete, w ktorej:
- zapytasz uczestnikow o ich doswiadczenie zwiazane z podrozowaniem autostopem
- poprosissz uczestnikow o opisanie plusow podrozowania w ten sposob
- poprosisz uczestnikow o opisanie minusow podrozowania w ten sposob
- zapytasz uczestnikow o popularnosc tego typu podrozowania w ich krajach
Prosze rowniez o odpowiedzi do pytan ,
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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- How is your experience in traveling auto stop ?
-Please tell me plus about traveling auto stop.
-Please tell me minus about traveling auto stop.
-How is popular this type traveling in other country?
1. How are your experience with traveling in a hitch-hiking?
odp. Now this is my first time when i traveling in a hitch-hiking
2.Can you tell me how in your opinion are advantages in traveling like that?
odp. sure, you can always meet new people and look at new places
3. Can you tell me how in your opinion are disadvantages in traveling like that?
odp. traveling in a hitch-hiking wasting the most of time particularly when are traffic jams.
4. How popular this type of traveling is in your countries?
odp. I can answer, in my country so in Poland it is very popular type of traveling.