You have nice, brown hair .
My brother is brave .
I'm very bold .
My boyfriend is bossy in our relationship.
My room is bright .
His homework was bad.
My new t-shirt is beautiful .
She is blue-eyed.
This is very big.
I love british accent.
Our house was burned .
Your car was booted.
This lesson was bored.
Andrew is breathless in this moment.
His mother is busy.
Tomas has black t-shirt.
Her brother is balky.
My heart is broken because of you.
This road is bumpy.
Don't be a brash!
1. My uncle has a benign cancer. (Mój wujek ma łagodny nowotwór.)
2. I bought these beautiful flowers for you. (Kupiłem te piękne kwiaty dla Ciebie.)
3. Oh no, there is a black cat! (O nie, tam jest czarny kot!)
4. Tom is my beloved son. (Tom jest moim ukochanym synem.)
5. It's a bald lie! (To jawne kłamstwo!)
6. I'm busy now. (Jestem teraz zajęty.)
7. There's a bass guitar. (To gitara basowa.)
8. Murder is really bad. (Morderstwo jest naprawdę złe.)
9. He's so babyish. (Jest taki dziecinny.)
10. This jumper is really baggy. (Ten sweter jest naprawdę luźny.)
11. This duke is barbaric! (Ten książe jest barbarzyński!)
12. Farmer's land is barren. (Ziemia rolnika jest nieurodzajna.)
13. She needs basic education. (Ona potrzebuje podstawowego wykształcenia.)
14. I love baroque painting! (Uwielbiam barokowe malarstwo!)
15. Scotty is so bashful. That's sweet. (Scotty jest taki niesmiały. To urocze.)
16. My mom has brown hair. (Moja mama ma brązowe włosy.)
17. I have bloody wallpaper in my bedroom. (Mam krwawą tapetę w mojej sypialni.)
18. This meat is boneless. (To mięso jest bez kości.)
19. Mu cousin is blind. He had an accident four years ago. (Mój kuzyn jest ślepy. Miał wypadek 4 lata temu.)
20. I hate rain. I want a blue sky. (Nienawidze deszczu. Pragnę niebieskiego nieba.)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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You have nice, brown hair .
My brother is brave .
I'm very bold .
My boyfriend is bossy in our relationship.
My room is bright .
His homework was bad.
My new t-shirt is beautiful .
She is blue-eyed.
This is very big.
I love british accent.
Our house was burned .
Your car was booted.
This lesson was bored.
Andrew is breathless in this moment.
His mother is busy.
Tomas has black t-shirt.
Her brother is balky.
My heart is broken because of you.
This road is bumpy.
Don't be a brash!
1. My uncle has a benign cancer. (Mój wujek ma łagodny nowotwór.)
2. I bought these beautiful flowers for you. (Kupiłem te piękne kwiaty dla Ciebie.)
3. Oh no, there is a black cat! (O nie, tam jest czarny kot!)
4. Tom is my beloved son. (Tom jest moim ukochanym synem.)
5. It's a bald lie! (To jawne kłamstwo!)
6. I'm busy now. (Jestem teraz zajęty.)
7. There's a bass guitar. (To gitara basowa.)
8. Murder is really bad. (Morderstwo jest naprawdę złe.)
9. He's so babyish. (Jest taki dziecinny.)
10. This jumper is really baggy. (Ten sweter jest naprawdę luźny.)
11. This duke is barbaric! (Ten książe jest barbarzyński!)
12. Farmer's land is barren. (Ziemia rolnika jest nieurodzajna.)
13. She needs basic education. (Ona potrzebuje podstawowego wykształcenia.)
14. I love baroque painting! (Uwielbiam barokowe malarstwo!)
15. Scotty is so bashful. That's sweet. (Scotty jest taki niesmiały. To urocze.)
16. My mom has brown hair. (Moja mama ma brązowe włosy.)
17. I have bloody wallpaper in my bedroom. (Mam krwawą tapetę w mojej sypialni.)
18. This meat is boneless. (To mięso jest bez kości.)
19. Mu cousin is blind. He had an accident four years ago. (Mój kuzyn jest ślepy. Miał wypadek 4 lata temu.)
20. I hate rain. I want a blue sky. (Nienawidze deszczu. Pragnę niebieskiego nieba.)