napisz 10 zdań z tymi słówkami w języku angielskim ale proszę o zdania prawidłowe a nie z translatora :) save cloudy foggy destroy cycle lanes pollution traffic unhealthy rainforester flood
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.I saved my grandmother`s dog yesterday.
2. It`s very cloudy today.
3.It`s very foggy today.
4.My brother destroyed my computer.
5. I was on cycling with my parents yesterday.
6.lanes (wybacz lecz nie mam pomysłu na te zdanie)
7.Big pollution is caused by factories.
8.The traffic on the highway was very high.
9.Hamburgers are very unhealthy.
10. We shouldn`t destroy rainforests, they are so beautiful.
11.Tomorrow it will be heavy rain, it`s going to be flood. (nie jestem pewny czy to zdanie jest napisane poprawnie)