Napisz 10 postanowień noorocznych po polsku i przeumacz na angelski
W tym roku postanawiam sobie, że nie będę jadła tylu słodyczy oraz chipsów. Postanawiam też, że nie będę spędzała dużo czasu przed telewizorem oraz przed komputerem. Kolejne moje postanowienie to sprzątanie mojego pokoju oraz pomaganie mamie. Od tego roku postanawiam sobie również, że poprawie się w nauce oraz że będę czytała więcej książek. Ostatnie moje postanowienia noworoczne to: nabycie zwierzątka i opieka nad nim ;]
This year I am resolving, that I won't be eating this many sweets and crips. I am also deciding that I won't be spending a lot of time in front of the TV set and in front of the computer. Next my decision is cleaning my room and helping the mum. For this year I am also resolving, that for improvement oneself in the learning and I will be reading more books. Last my New Year decisions it: purchasing the animal and the care of him;]
This year I am resolving, that I won't be eating this many sweets and crips. I am also deciding that I won't be spending a lot of time in front of the TV set and in front of the computer. Next my decision is cleaning my room and helping the mum. For this year I am also resolving, that for improvement oneself in the learning and I will be reading more books. Last my New Year decisions it: purchasing the animal and the care of him;]