Napisz 1-2 zdania o Royal Museum Greenwitch po polsku i przetłumacz. PROSZE NA SZYBKO I NIE KOPIUJCIE Z WIKI BO TAM JEST O MUZEACH A TO MA BYC JEDNO !!!
ttoojjaa3Po polsku: National Maritime Museum (NMM) w Greenwich w Londynie jest najważniejszym muzeum morskim w Zjednoczonym Królestwie i jednym z największych muzeów tego typu na świecie. Historyczne budynki − wraz z Królewskim Obserwatorium Astronomicznym i XVII-wiecznym pałacem Queen's House − zostały wpisane na listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO. W roku 2012 królowa Elżbieta II podpisała dekret, na mocy którego National Maritime Museum, Queen's House, Królewskie Obserwatorium Astronomiczne i żaglowiec Cutty Sark zostały objęte wspólną nazwą Królewskich Muzeów w Greenwich (Royal Museums Greenwich). Po angielsku: National Maritime Museum (NMM) in Greenwich, London is the most important maritime museum in the United Kingdom and one of the largest museums of its kind in the world. Historic buildings - including the Royal Astronomical Observatory and seventeenth-century palace of Queen's House - have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site. In 2012, Queen Elizabeth II signed a decree under which the National Maritime Museum, Queen's House, Royal Observatory and Cutty Sark sailing ship were covered by the common name of the Royal Museums in Greenwich (Royal Museums Greenwich).
Po angielsku: National Maritime Museum (NMM) in Greenwich, London is the most important maritime museum in the United Kingdom and one of the largest museums of its kind in the world. Historic buildings - including the Royal Astronomical Observatory and seventeenth-century palace of Queen's House - have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site. In 2012, Queen Elizabeth II signed a decree under which the National Maritime Museum, Queen's House, Royal Observatory and Cutty Sark sailing ship were covered by the common name of the Royal Museums in Greenwich (Royal Museums Greenwich).