Napisałam opowiadanie z języka angielskiego i mam małe wątpliwości co do gramatyki gdybyści zauważyli jakiś błąd piszczie od razu z poprawą tego błędu
A oto tekst
Italy is a vast country.
The territory of this country is reministcent of the shoe
Roma is the capital of Italy
Roma is often called Eternal City, because we see there a lot of ancident building.
Exemple are : Coliseum and Forum Romano
In the coliseum were fighting of Gladiators. Forum romano shows ancident centrum - starożytne centrum pokazowe - In Italy we were traveling there, we ''ll saw beautiful city Venecja This is very picturesquare city. Country In the shape of shoe has got hight mountain Alpy Highest top is Corno Grande 2912 m n p m.
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jak dla mnie jest ok. i ciekawe z rozumem napisane :)
drobne uwagi językowe:
Wenecja - Venice
Alpy - Alps
metry nad poziomem morza - metres above see level
a tak to dobrze :)