wyjeżdżasz do londynu na przesłuchania konkursowe młodych utalentowanych muzyków.napisz e-mail do kolegi muzyka z Pragi *poinformuj go w jakim celu udajesz się do Londynu *zapytaj czy może polecić Ci ciekawe nagrania,które pomogłyby Ci w przygotowaniach do konkursu *wspomnij o koncercie,który słyszałeś w zeszłym tygodniu *uzasadnij dlaczego warto udać się na ten koncert
slishy Hello Peter. How are things? I have a great news. Tomorrow I am going to London. I have an audition contest for a young talent. I have request to you. Do you know a interesting recording? It would have helped me to prepare. In the last weekend I heard a great concerts Nelly Furtado. The music was good. Also I met a friends and atmosphere was really friendly. I think that is worth to go to her concert because sha has got a stunning vioce. Her song have a massage. And she's a really beauty women. Anyway, I have to finish now. Regards. See you soon. xyz
Hello Peter.
How are things?
I have a great news. Tomorrow I am going to London. I have an audition contest for a young talent.
I have request to you. Do you know a interesting recording? It would have helped me to prepare.
In the last weekend I heard a great concerts Nelly Furtado. The music was good. Also I met a friends and atmosphere was really friendly.
I think that is worth to go to her concert because sha has got a stunning vioce. Her song have a massage. And she's a really beauty women.
Anyway, I have to finish now. Regards.
See you soon.