Napisać w języku angielskim potcztówke swoją do kogo piszemy opis tego co robimy w momęcie piania opis tego co robią inni ludzie czyli czynności opis tego cio sie dzieje wokół nas
I am in London. Now i write a list in a cafe. Here is beautiful. Anita reading book in the library. Piotr swimming in the pool. Yesterday weather was a horrible, because was wet and rainy. There is a lot of shops. We going to go to cinema.
Hi mam and dad!
I am in London. Now i write a list in a cafe. Here is beautiful. Anita reading book in the library. Piotr swimming in the pool. Yesterday weather was a horrible, because was wet and rainy. There is a lot of shops. We going to go to cinema.
See you son. Patrycja