August 2018 1 14 Report
Napisać pytania do zdań! ;p

1. The carnival started a little time ago.
- When......................................
2. I met Elivis Presley in the 60s.
- Where.....................................
3. Jack went to the doctor yesterday.
- Why.......................................
4. Jack met a girl.
- Where....................................
5. One of the teams scored six goals.
- What.....................................
6.Something bad happened last night.
- What.....................................
7. Something spoke to me in French.
- Who.....................................
8. I spoke to someone in English.
- Who.....................................
9.A lot of students took the exam.
- How many..............................
10. He ate a lot of crisps.
- How much..............................

Proszę też o przetłumaczenie ;*

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