Napisać list po angielsku na dany temat.Planowałeś odwiedzić kolegę w Londynie. Tydzień przed wyjazdem skradziono ci dokumenty i nie możesz pojechać. W liście który piszesz, poinformuj kolegę o sytuacji o przeproś za zmianę planów. Powiedz w jakich okolicznościach doszło do zdarzenia o jak się zachowałeś. Powiedz kto ci udzielił pomocy i jak podziekowałeś za ofiarowaną pomoc. Zapytaj czy możesz przyjechać w późniejszym terminie i wyraź nadzieje na szybkie spotkanie.
Dear Friend, How are you? Are you fine? I'm really sorry, but I can't visit you so soon. A week ago somebody stole my papers. I went to the police station and I told them what happened. But they didn't listen to me. One of them told they will give attention this case later, because they've got too many applications. I was very desperate, but I didn't give up. I told them I am in a hurry. One of the police officers told me he will help me. He will try to find my purse. He found it some days later. I apologized to him many times. I bought him chocolates. So, may I visit you in a week? I hope I will see you soon.
How are you? Are you fine?
I'm really sorry, but I can't visit you so soon. A week ago somebody stole my papers. I went to the police station and I told them what happened. But they didn't listen to me. One of them told they will give attention this case later, because they've got too many applications. I was very desperate, but I didn't give up. I told them I am in a hurry. One of the police officers told me he will help me. He will try to find my purse. He found it some days later. I apologized to him many times. I bought him chocolates.
So, may I visit you in a week?
I hope I will see you soon.