Nadchodzące ferie zimowe zamierzasz spędzić w rodzinnej górskiej chatce w pobliżu ośrodka narciarskiego. Chcesz zaprosić tam Twojego przyjaciela z Anglii. Napisz list, w którym :
* określisz, którego dnia wyjedziesz i jak długo tam pozostaniesz
* zaprosisz przyjaciela i wspomnisz, kto jeszcze będzie przebywał w chatce
* zaproponujesz zajęcia na wolnym powietrzu, w których moglibyście razem wziąć udział i poradzisz przyjacielowi, jakie ubrania należy wziąć ze sobą
* poinformujesz go o cenie biletu lotniczego i zaproponujesz linię lotniczą.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Kate,
How are you? I want to tell you that I'm going to family house in the mountains for winter holiday. It's big building with four rooms, two bathrooms and spacious sitting-room.
I'm leaving 16 February and I stay there one week. I have an idea.. Maybe you can spend that time with me? There will be my cousin Natalia with us. She's friendly and kind person. We can ski or take a sleigh ride. What do you think about it? Bring warm clothes.
You shoud take ski pants, winter jacket and hat and boots with you.
I found a ticket in nice prize. It costs 89 pounds. You should fly by Lot Airplanes. I was flying them before and I'm satisfied.
Give greetings for your parents and sister. See you soon.
Hi xyz
I am sorry I haven't written for so long but I was very busy . How are you ? I hope it is fine . I am writting to you to tell you about my future holiday . I am going to leave on the mountains with friends . I think that will be unforgettable emotions because thats all will be in the ski resort . I would like invite you because without you that's not the same. There will be many mates with our class . There will be different entertianments , for example fun the snowball. If you willing to it , you must take very warm clothes together. The trip will be 3 February until 10 February. The ticket cost 50 $ and I think that we will take fly the British Airlines . Anyway, that's all for now . Keep in touch .
See you