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Twoja siostra spotyka sie z nowym chłopakiem . Napisz e - mail do przyjaciela w którym :
* opowiesz jak poznałaś chłopaka swojej siostry .
* opiszesz jego wygląd
* poinformujesz o rodzinnym posiłku zaplanowanym na najbliżsszy weekend .
Z góry dziękuje ! ; **
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I wanted for you to say the reverence about the new boyfriend of my sister I got to know him strolling about the park with my dog. Casper is called and is very nice he has short brown hair and blue eyes, is high and handsome. He is very nice and polite, but is shy. I am inviting cie to us to the dinner in this weekend. You will meet him personally. For seeing
Dear Kate.
I hope you're well. I writing to you becouse I would like talking you about my sister and her new boyfrend. Him name is Mark. My sister and Mark met in the cinema on last month. I met him, when my sister Julia invited him to our home. He is very nice and friendly. Also sister's boyfriend is hadsome. He has got blue eyes, black and short hair. He is tall and muscular. In next weekend my mum organize family dinner. In this dinner will be my parents, grandparents and sister with boyfriend.
What are you doing?
I waiting for your answer.
Lots of love
(mam nadzieję ze pomogłam i proszę o naj:))