NA JUTRO PILNE! DUZO PUNKTÓW PO SPRAWDZENIU !! otrzymałeś e-mail od kolegi z WB w którym pyta Cię o Twoich najlepszych przyjaciół W odpowiedzi napisz: *jak długo znasz swojego najlepszego przyjaciela *opisz 3 wady i 3 zalety jego charakteru. *Poproś kolegę aby opisał Ci swego najlepszego przyjaciela
Hi Thanks for your last email. Like you wanted, I'm gonna write 'bout my best friend. He's name is (NN). I know him for 'bout 4 years. We've met him on holidays. I love his music taste. He can make me laugh everytime, even when I'm sad. He often helps me with maths. He is so brave, but also he got some bad benefits. He annoys me with being too much reckless and silly sometimes and he hates when I'm telling he's wrong. No matter what he's the best. In next email could you describe your best friend. Would be nice. See you soon xyz
Thanks for your last email. Like you wanted, I'm gonna write 'bout my best friend. He's name is (NN). I know him for 'bout 4 years. We've met him on holidays. I love his music taste. He can make me laugh everytime, even when I'm sad. He often helps me with maths. He is so brave, but also he got some bad benefits. He annoys me with being too much reckless and silly sometimes and he hates when I'm telling he's wrong. No matter what he's the best. In next email could you describe your best friend. Would be nice.
See you soon