NA DZISIAJ PROSZE POMOCY!!! chcesz wziac udzial w konkursie jezyka angielskiego w Londynie. Napisz list motywacyjny w ktorym: -okreslisz cel listu i poinformujesz skad dowiedziales sie o warsztatach -przedstawisz swoje zainteresowanie jezykiem angielskim i swoja dotychczasowa edukacje -podasz dwie przyczyny dlaczego ccialbys wziac udzial w konkursie -zglosisz gotowosc stawienia sie na rozmowe kwalifikacyjna i poinformujesz o zalaczonych dokumentach
Rozwin swoja wypowiedz w kazdym z podpunktow. Dlugosc twkstu powinna wynosic 120-150 słów.
I am writing to apply for international workshops for teenagers concerning the application of modern technologies in learning. I learnt about your project from an advertisement in "Gazeta Wyborcza".
I am very interested in multimedia techniques. I want to become a journalist in the future and now I am trying to learn as much, as I can, about tools and techniques useful in this job. I try to use multimedia techniques in my everyday work at school.
Taking part in your workshops will give me an opportunity to develop my skills and meet other people sharing my passion. I am ready to participate in all workshop modules and I will willingly share my knowledge with the others by e.g. preparing a presentation.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to apply for international workshops for teenagers concerning the application of modern technologies in learning. I learnt about your project from an advertisement in "Gazeta Wyborcza".
I am very interested in multimedia techniques. I want to become a journalist in the future and now I am trying to learn as much, as I can, about tools and techniques useful in this job. I try to use multimedia techniques in my everyday work at school.
Taking part in your workshops will give me an opportunity to develop my skills and meet other people sharing my passion. I am ready to participate in all workshop modules and I will willingly share my knowledge with the others by e.g. preparing a presentation.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours faithfully,