na angielski:
dziękuje Ci za list. zadałeś mi parę pytań na które chętnie odpowiem.
mam nadzieję że będziemy mogli kontynuować tę znajomość i dowiemy się o sobie jak najwięcej a kiedyś może nawet spotkamy. wierzę że zostaniemy dobrymi przyjaciółmi
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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It thanks for letter it. On which (who) questions assign me few < steam > < couple > willfully answer. Mum < beguile > < have > hope < stuff > that we can continue this acquaintance and we will inform as maximally about it but sometime it can meet (face each other) even. I believe that we become (stay) good friends
He thanks you for the letter. You asked me a few questions which willingly I will answer. I hope that we will be able to continue this acquaintance and we will learn about ourselves how the most but at one time perhaps even we will meet. I believe that we will become good friends.