Guess what! My brother got new job at London Fashion shop!
He has to help the customers and wear uniform , the uniform looks like a new Louis Vuitton suit he look very cool! but he said that's a very hard work...Well a least he doesn't have to clean the shop.Okay so now I must end here my mom is calling me to dinner. bye!
(twoje imie)
Myśle że jest dobrze ; )
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dziękuje bardzo, narazie nie da sie dac naj wiec jak bede sie dalo to odrazu dam
hi Jack!
Guess what! My brother got new job at London Fashion shop!
He has to help the customers and wear uniform , the uniform looks like a new Louis Vuitton suit he look very cool! but he said that's a very hard work...Well a least he doesn't have to clean the shop.Okay so now I must end here my mom is calling me to dinner. bye!
(twoje imie)
Myśle że jest dobrze ; )