Musze prztlumaczyc na jezyk angielski pare zdan. Wczoraj biegalem w parku. On spal w hotelu. My plywalismy na basenie.
Yesterday I ran in the park. He slept in the hotel. We swam in the pool.
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Wczoraj biegałem w parku. - I was running at the park yesterday. On spał w hotelu. - He was sleeping at the hotel. My pływaliśmy na basenie. - We were swimming at the swimming pool.
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I ran in the park yesterday He slept in the hotel We swam on the swimmingpool
He slept in the hotel.
We swam in the pool.
On spał w hotelu. - He was sleeping at the hotel.
My pływaliśmy na basenie. - We were swimming at the swimming pool.
He slept in the hotel
We swam on the swimmingpool