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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi ( jej/jego imie)
How are you? how are you getting with your new boyfirend? Today was bad for me. I quarreledwith my sister about a t-shirt! she always takes my things and she even doesn't ask me that she can! i hate when she's doing it! today she took my favorite t-shirt! She didn't ask me about it, and i wanted to wear it today. and in school everbody said to her : cool t-shirt Vic {lub inne imię}, but it's my t-shert. Ok, she's elder than me but it doesn't let that she can everything. we she got back to haouse i asked her why she took my t-shert. and she said that it's nothing, because i one time i borrowedthe book. I hate her so much. I borrowedthe book when i was 11 years, and she remebers it! and she said to me : babe i look better in this, than you.. and i said : no, it's mine so.. and she was like : no, today i have date. she has new boyfriend too. and she came out of the haouse! What i sholud to do? help me Allie. I hate her, and i hate when she's taking my thing and she's not asking me about it..
love you, (twoje imie)