absolutelynecessary At the beginningof thingsyou needto dosushi, allyou will findin my shopat the best priceonthe Internet!
riceforsushi(krótkoziarnisty, sticky)ricebuyin our store vinegar,rice vinegarbuyin our store sugar and salt bamboomatto rollthe matbuyin our store sharp knifewithoutteeth(veryimportant!) nori- pressedalgaebuynorionsklep.PrzepisNaSushi.pl wasabi- green,very spicyhorseradish-soldin a tubeorbuywasabipowdersklep.PrzepisNaSushi.pl Pickledginger,cutinto thinslices ofpickledgingerbuyin our store soy sauce(it's importanttobegood, I recommendKikkomanandYamasa)buysoy sauce chopsticksor fingers:-)buysticksin our store and of coursethe content ofthe rollers,but withthe further
Goes to work
Riceis the basis Rinsethe riceunder running water,stirring continuously,as long asthe water isclear(it takesa little bit).After washing,leave thericein water for30 minutes.Rinseone last time,pourthe waterin the ratio ofapproximately1:1.2(rice: water)- water qualityis of greatimportance,bottleit's no exaggeration.Cookover low heat, coveredabout 15minutes toevaporateall the water,stirring frequentlyat the beginning.Ricecookedleavefor 15 minutesin a pot, covered,thentranslatethe bestinto a woodenbowl,pour the sauceand leaveto cool.
Saucefor rice. At0.5 kilogramsof riceneed 7tablespoonsrice vinegar, 3-4tablespoons sugar,pinch of salt(the amountof0.5 kgof rice), allin a smallsaucepan,stirandheat upon a littleheatwhile stirringuntil dissolved(do notboil!).Add tocooked riceand gentlystir.Translatethe riceinto a bowl andleavecoveredto cool.
At the beginningof thingsyou needto dosushi, allyou will findin my shopat the best priceonthe Internet!
riceforsushi(krótkoziarnisty, sticky)ricebuyin our store
vinegar,rice vinegarbuyin our store
sugar and salt
bamboomatto rollthe matbuyin our store
sharp knifewithoutteeth(veryimportant!)
nori- pressedalgaebuynorionsklep.PrzepisNaSushi.pl
wasabi- green,very spicyhorseradish-soldin a tubeorbuywasabipowdersklep.PrzepisNaSushi.pl
Pickledginger,cutinto thinslices ofpickledgingerbuyin our store
soy sauce(it's importanttobegood, I recommendKikkomanandYamasa)buysoy sauce
chopsticksor fingers:-)buysticksin our store
and of coursethe content ofthe rollers,but withthe further
Goes to work
Riceis the basis
Rinsethe riceunder running water,stirring continuously,as long asthe water isclear(it takesa little bit).After washing,leave thericein water for30 minutes.Rinseone last time,pourthe waterin the ratio ofapproximately1:1.2(rice: water)- water qualityis of greatimportance,bottleit's no exaggeration.Cookover low heat, coveredabout 15minutes toevaporateall the water,stirring frequentlyat the beginning.Ricecookedleavefor 15 minutesin a pot, covered,thentranslatethe bestinto a woodenbowl,pour the sauceand leaveto cool.
Saucefor rice.
At0.5 kilogramsof riceneed 7tablespoonsrice vinegar, 3-4tablespoons sugar,pinch of salt(the amountof0.5 kgof rice), allin a smallsaucepan,stirandheat upon a littleheatwhile stirringuntil dissolved(do notboil!).Add tocooked riceand gentlystir.Translatethe riceinto a bowl andleavecoveredto cool.
To jest przepis na jagnięcinę z ryżem.
You will need:
-one kilo of lamb,
-lemon juice,
-one big onion,
-green pepper.
Lamb with Rice
First, slice the meat and chop the onion. Pour it into saucepan and fry with lemon juice. Add the butter and wait five minutes.
Then, pour 1/2 liters of salted water and remove meat. Boil rice in the pot. Put lamb into cooked rice.Add the green pepper.
Eat it with orange juice, salad or apple. Bon appetite!