Musze napisac emaila po angielsku w którym opisze dłaczego wybrałem jakąś szkole, opisać wygląd jednego z nowych nauczycieli i napisac o nietypowych zainteresowaniach jednej z osób poznanych na rozpoczeciu roku email musi miec od 50 do 100 sło prosze pomóżcie z góry dziękuje
Dear John, It was very good to hear from you recently. I'm writing this e-mail because I want you to know about some events. I signed up to a dance school last week. I chose this current school because it looked very comfortable and nice. At the first lesson I danced with a beautiful girl from Spain. She was really pretty. Unfortunatelly I forgot that I had to take a good suit with me and I was forced to dance with my old jeans. How about you? Do you like dancing? Write back soon. Your friend, Alex.