Musze napisać list formalny. I prosiłabym o sprawdzenie, poprawienie błędów i wprowadzenia jakichkolwiek zmian.
Polecenie brzmi tak Chcesz kupić dom lub mieszkanie w Wielkiej Brytanii. Znajdujesz mw gazecie ogłoszenie prezentujące nieruchomość, która cię interesuje. Napisz list do agencji, która je zamieściła.
Oktreśl jaki rodzaj domu chcesz kupić i powołaj się na ogłoszenie.
Zapytaj o odległość od środków komunikacji miejskiej i sklepów.
Zapytaj o co namjmniej dwa interesujące cię elementy wyposażenia domu.
Zapytaj o możliwość uprawiania sportów w okolicy.
Dear Sir or Madam
I am writing in connection with an advertisment for your home sale offer.
I am interested in to buy a home. I would like to buy a bungalow home with furniture in the UK. I would like to know more details about home location. If the house is located far from public transport and shops.
I am very interested in whether the house has a central heating and fireplace. If the house has a dining room Wheather there are any neighbourhood sports centers or park where I can run.
I am writing in connection TO an advertisEment OF your home sale offer.
I am interested in BUYING a home. I would like to buy a FURNISHED bungalow home IN UK. I would like to know more details about THE home location AND if the house is located far from public transport and shops.
I am very interested in whether the house has a central heating and A fireplace AND if the house has a dining room AND ALSO whether there are any sports centers or A park IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD where I can run.
I am writing in connection TO an advertisEment OF your home sale offer.
I am interested in BUYING a home. I would like to buy a FURNISHED bungalow home IN UK.
I would like to know more details about THE home location AND if the house is located far from public transport and shops.
I am very interested in whether the house has a central heating and A fireplace AND if the house has a dining room AND ALSO whether there are any sports centers or A park IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD where I can run.
I look forward to your answer
Yours faithfully