Musze nap list ktory ma pomoc mojej kolezance bo ma jakis problem prosze o przetlumaczenie tego listu w drugim trybie warunkowym prosze szybko czekam do 18.00 prosze pomozcie: droga cindy właśnie przeczytałam twój list i znam kilka sposobów które pomogą ci rozwiązać twój problem. czy myślałaś o tym żeby porozmawiać ze swoimi rodzicami o tym ze jesteś na tyle dorosła żeby wyjechać ze swoimi przyjaciółmi na camping ? jeśli to nie pomoże możesz zaprosić swoich przyjaciół na obiad i przedstawić ich swoim rodzicom może gdy ich poznają to bardziej ci zaufają i pozwolą ci wyjechać. daj znać czy moje rady ci pomogły :) powodzenia kinga
Dear Cindy I've just read your letter and I know a few ways that might help you to solve your problem. Have you thought about talking to your parents you're old enough to go out with your friends for a camping? If it won't help, you might invite your friends for a dinner and introduce them to your parents. Maybe if they get to know your friends, they'll trust you and let you go. Let me know if my pieces of advice helped :) Good luck. Kinga.
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Dear cindy I read your letter and I know several ways to help you solve your problem. thinking about whether to talk with their parents about it that you are adult enough to leave with their friends for camping? If this does not help, you can invite your friends over for dinner and show them to their parents when they can learn to trust you more and let you go. let me know if my advice helped you:) success . Kinga
I've just read your letter and I know a few ways that might help you to solve your problem.
Have you thought about talking to your parents you're old enough to go out with your friends for a camping? If it won't help, you might invite your friends for a dinner and introduce them to your parents. Maybe if they get to know your friends, they'll trust you and let you go.
Let me know if my pieces of advice helped :)
Good luck.
I read your letter and I know several ways to help you solve your problem.
thinking about whether to talk with their parents about it that you are adult enough to leave with their friends for camping? If this does not help, you can invite your friends over for dinner and show them to their parents when they can learn to trust you more and let you go.
let me know if my advice helped you:)
success .