1.Moja mama wczoraj wyjechała nad morze. 2.Mój najlepszy przyjaciel pokłócił się ze swoją siostrą. 3.Nasi przyjaciele są bardzo mili. 4.Mój brat nie ma pracy. 5.Twój kolega jest niekulturalny. 6.Jego rodzice to znajomi mojej mamy.
1.My mother went to the seaside yesterday. 2.My best friend argued with his sister. 3.Our friends are very nice. 4.My brother hasn't got a work. 5.Your friend is impolite. 6.His parents are my mother's friends.
Proszę o najjj.Mam nadzieje, że pomogłam.W razie niejasności-PISZ.
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1.Yesterday my mum left to the seaside. 2.My best friend quarreled with his sister. 3.Our friends are very nice. 4.My brother does not have the work. 5.Your colleague is ungentlemanly. 6.His parents familiar mine have this.
2.My best friend argued with his sister.
3.Our friends are very nice.
4.My brother hasn't got a work.
5.Your friend is impolite.
6.His parents are my mother's friends.
Proszę o najjj.Mam nadzieje, że pomogłam.W razie niejasności-PISZ.
2.My best friend quarreled with his sister.
3.Our friends are very nice.
4.My brother does not have the work.
5.Your colleague is ungentlemanly.
6.His parents familiar mine have this.