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W piątki zawszę wstaję o 7:00 rano.Często jem śniadanie o 7:30 i ubieram się o 8:00.Nigdy nie zapominam o zadaniu domowym.Moja mama zawsze wstaje o 8:00 a brat o 7:00.O 15:30 gram na komputerze.Mój brat też lubi grać na komputerze.Oglądam telewizje,często o 17:00.Potem idę się być i spać. Czasami na dobranoc słucham muzyki.Moim ulubionym przedmiotem jest angielski,często uczę się angielskiego o 18:30.Piątek to mój ulubiony dzień.
In the friday always get up at 7:00. Often eat a breakfast at 7:30 and dressed at 8:00. I never forget a homework. My mum's always get up at 8:00, but brother get up at 7:00. 15:30 play games. My brother's also like play the games. Watch TV, often at 17:00. Then I go to sleep and wach. Sometimes I listen to music chosen. My favourit subject in English, often I'm studing English at 18:30. Friday is my favourite day.
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I usually get up at 7 a.m. I often eat breakfast at 7.30 and I dress up at 8. I never forget to do my homework. My mom always gets up at 8 a.m and my brother gets up at 7 a.m. I play computer games at 3.30 pm. My brother likes to play computer games too. I often watch TV at 5 p.m. Then, I wash myself and I go to sleep. I often listen to music before my bedtime. My favourite subject is English. I often learn some English at 6.30 p.m. Friday is my favourite day.
Often eat a breakfast at 7:30 and dressed at 8:00.
I never forget a homework.
My mum's always get up at 8:00, but brother get up at 7:00.
15:30 play games.
My brother's also like play the games.
Watch TV, often at 17:00.
Then I go to sleep and wach.
Sometimes I listen to music chosen.
My favourit subject in English, often I'm studing English at 18:30.
Friday is my favourite day.
Proszę mam nadzieję ze pomogłam