Muszę napisać kartkę z pamiętnika. Zadanie brzmi dokładnie tak:
You're going to write a castaway diary. Discuss these questions and write notes.
I to są te pytania: (odpowiedzi muszą być dość rozwinięte)
1. What's the island like?
2. How long have you been here?
3.How did you get here?
4. What have you done today?
5. What's the worst thing about being on the island?
6. What are your plans for the future?
Trzeba odpowiedzi na te pytania złożyć w jednolity tekst. Bardzo proszę o pomoc, mam na jutro!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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August 16th. 1694
The island is really beautiful, but there is nobody here, and its really big.
there's a volcano in the middle of the island there's many banana, coconut, mango, papaya, date trees.
I've been stranded here since a year ago, naturally I've built a house and found a few goats, I've got a little wheat field from the grains i had in my pocket the day our ship sunk. It all happened so quickly. I was sailing from Brazil back to London, but during a storm our ship hit a reef and sunk, I was the only survivor.
I hope some ship will be sailing close by very soon, because I'm afraid of the cannibals that come here every so often to eat the unfortunate people they caught. I saved 3 white men half a year ago and now i don't feel so lonely anymore. They are from Great Britain also, and they were able to tell me what happened to my family since i left 20 years ago.