Everything happened last holiday when i was living at my grandparents house in Sweden. When i went shopping as i did everyday there, because i didnt have what to do in Sweden, I saw a big black jeep parking outside the shop. When the driver got out i realised that this is a guy i know from TV ! I went to him and get in conversation. It was Bruce Willis, how could i didn't know it at first look ? He was polite and gave me his glasses. That was the best holiday ever and i won't forget it.
On 25.05.2009 I went to years with his family on vacation. Time 9. Time to go. Me and my brother Michael were very pleased with this trip because it was our first trip since the first move to another city. The trip was wonderful. Together with his parents sang joyful songs up at last at one point broke down gps dad. We did not know how to drive, so my dad was guided by intuition. After a few minutes, we found that the astray in the great forest. It was terribly dark, and the forest was thick and lush. It was horrible. After a while my mother came out of the car because I look around. And at one point saw the bear. Mom immediately got into the car, and the bear was terrible and the car shook. knew that it was already late. My brother fell asleep. dad was in shock with her mother and I did not know what to do. at last I dropped the idea to fix gps. After several minutes of thinking I could naprowaić gps. I happily went home. It was an amazing experience.
In this year I spent my holiday in a really nice and cheerful way. First 2 weeks I stayed in my Grandmorher and then I went for a summer camp. The camp took place in Dziwnowka which is really close to sea. I have been there for 2 weeks and I really enjoyed it. Moreover, I met many nice and interesting people and we become friends. During that time we lived in a caravans and this was a great experience. In the morning we were going to the beach to get a tan. Then, usually in the afternoon and evening time we were out. We visited some disco clubs and I had there great fun. In the end of Agust I came back home because the summer camp was over. Afterwards, on the Sep I went to the mountains with my parents. We were walking and sightseeing as well. I saw there a Skull Chapel and next we went to Wabierzyce. The weather was really great. It was very sunny all the time and the sky was cloudless. The rest of my free days I spent at home. I were meeting with my friends, playing volleyball and cycling with them. In some cloudly days I watched Tv and played on my computer. When we didn't have an electricity I read books.[dobre ;-)] That's the way that I spent my holiday in this year.
opowiadanie o wakacjach
''Wakacje W tym roku spędziłem miło i wesoło, pierwsze dwa tygodnie wakacji spędziłem u babci, a później wyjechałem nad morze do Dziwnówka na obóz, spędziłem tam dwa tygodnie, w tym czasie poznałem wiele miłych i interesujących osób. Bardzo się z nimi zaprzyjaźniłem. Wszyscy mieszkaliśmy w domkach kempingowych. Rano chodziliśmy na plaże się opalać, a popołudniu wychodziliśmy na miasto, ponieważ wieczorem odbywały się tam dyskoteki na których świetnie się bawiłem. Pod koniec sierpnia wróciłem z obozu do domu. W wrześniu wyjechałem na tydzień z rodzicami w góry, było wspaniale. Chodziłem po górach, odwiedziłem kaplicę czaszek i zwiedziłem Wambierzyce. Pogoda nam dopisywała cały czas świeciło słońce a niebo było prawie bezchmurne. Ostatnią resztę dni spędziłem w domu, w tym czasie spotykałem się z moimi kolegami i koleżankami, grałem z nimi w siatkówkę i jeździliśmy rowerami. W pochmurne dni oglądałem telewizję lub grałem na komputerze a gdy nie było prądu to czytałem książki. Tak spędziłem moje wakacje w tym roku.''
Everything happened last holiday when i was living at my grandparents house in Sweden. When i went shopping as i did everyday there, because i didnt have what to do in Sweden, I saw a big black jeep parking outside the shop. When the driver got out i realised that this is a guy i know from TV ! I went to him and get in conversation. It was Bruce Willis, how could i didn't know it at first look ? He was polite and gave me his glasses. That was the best holiday ever and i won't forget it.
On 25.05.2009 I went to years with his family on vacation. Time 9. Time to go. Me and my brother Michael were very pleased with this trip because it was our first trip since the first move to another city. The trip was wonderful. Together with his parents sang joyful songs up at last at one point broke down gps dad. We did not know how to drive, so my dad was guided by intuition. After a few minutes, we found that the astray in the great forest. It was terribly dark, and the forest was thick and lush. It was horrible. After a while my mother came out of the car because I look around. And at one point saw the bear. Mom immediately got into the car, and the bear was terrible and the car shook. knew that it was already late. My brother fell asleep. dad was in shock with her mother and I did not know what to do. at last I dropped the idea to fix gps. After several minutes of thinking I could naprowaić gps. I happily went home. It was an amazing experience.
In this year I spent my holiday in a really nice and cheerful way.
First 2 weeks I stayed in my Grandmorher and then I went for a summer camp. The camp took place in Dziwnowka which is really close to sea. I have been there for 2 weeks and I really enjoyed it. Moreover, I met many nice and interesting people and we become friends.
During that time we lived in a caravans and this was a great experience. In the morning we were going to the beach to get a tan. Then, usually in the afternoon and evening time we were out. We visited some disco clubs and I had there great fun. In the end of Agust I came back home because the summer camp was over. Afterwards, on the Sep I went to the mountains with my parents. We were walking and sightseeing as well. I saw there a Skull Chapel and next we went to Wabierzyce. The weather was really great. It was very sunny all the time and the sky was cloudless.
The rest of my free days I spent at home. I were meeting with my friends, playing volleyball and cycling with them. In some cloudly days I watched Tv and played on my computer. When we didn't have an electricity I read books.[dobre ;-)] That's the way that I spent my holiday in this year.
opowiadanie o wakacjach
''Wakacje W tym roku spędziłem miło i wesoło, pierwsze dwa
tygodnie wakacji spędziłem u babci, a później wyjechałem nad morze
do Dziwnówka na obóz, spędziłem tam dwa tygodnie, w tym
czasie poznałem wiele miłych i interesujących osób. Bardzo się z
nimi zaprzyjaźniłem. Wszyscy mieszkaliśmy w domkach kempingowych. Rano chodziliśmy na
plaże się opalać, a popołudniu wychodziliśmy na miasto, ponieważ wieczorem
odbywały się tam dyskoteki na których świetnie się bawiłem. Pod
koniec sierpnia wróciłem z obozu do domu. W wrześniu wyjechałem
na tydzień z rodzicami w góry, było wspaniale. Chodziłem po
górach, odwiedziłem kaplicę czaszek i zwiedziłem Wambierzyce. Pogoda nam dopisywała
cały czas świeciło słońce a niebo było prawie bezchmurne. Ostatnią
resztę dni spędziłem w domu, w tym czasie spotykałem się
z moimi kolegami i koleżankami, grałem z nimi w siatkówkę
i jeździliśmy rowerami. W pochmurne dni oglądałem telewizję lub grałem
na komputerze a gdy nie było prądu to czytałem książki.
Tak spędziłem moje wakacje w tym roku.''