musialeś zmienic szkole w trakcie trwania roku szkolnego. napisz list do znajomego ze stanow zjednoczonych, w ktorym:
- poinformujesz go o tej zmianie i wyjasnisz przyczyny takiej sytuacji
- przekazesz reakcje nauczycieli i kolegow ze starej szkoly
- opiszesz jak przyjela cie nowa klasa i jakie sa twoje wrazenia na jej temat
- opowiesz o trudnosciach, ktore miales na poczatku i jakie wsparcie otrzymałes.
120-150 słów
Prosze na dzisiaj :>
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hello friend! I am writing this letter to you, because I have the reason. I changed my school a few weeks ago. Unfortunately. My illness was a reason of this departure.I am having cancer and I have chemistry every 2 weeks. I don't know whether I will spend the next day. My friends were sad when I left the school, and friends cuddled and they cried, because they knew, what I was surviving, well my families in need are surviving.Teachers were equally sad, like pupils. They wished me the recuperation. There were in my city no machines, this many doctors, of medicines. And here they are. In my new town.My new class didn't accept me well. They laughed that I am bald, but after all you know, that when chemistry is had, all hair is falling out! it is terrible emotion when you are entering the classroom and you can hear only a rustle and you cannot to it advise laughter of persons and nothing because you know that they will never accept you - this way I am just feeling.I received no support, it was horrible when pupils laughed under the nose, and when I looked at the teacher, she cried. as parents did bring them up? what with them did they do? I don't know. but I know that they will heal me. I have high hopes every day and I want to thank the god that still I live. a few days ago enrolled me in the operation. will be held in a week. I have quiet hope - I will survive! I will give advice to all problems I am usually meeting which! I am greeting you and don't cry against me, I - how you know me - I always get by!
hehe :D jak zawsze sie rozpisałam :) kocham pisać :) pozdrawiam serdecznie :* :)
+ troszkę smutna historia, ale jeśli trzeba wywołać wzruszenie wśród słuchaczy to trzeba dać z siebie wszystko :) !